Investigating the Effect of ChatGPT-like New Generation AI Technology on User Entrepreneurial Activities


  • Jinbo Zhou School of Economics and Management, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China
  • Weiren Cen School of Economics and Management, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China


ChatGPT-like, New generation AI technology, User entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial opportunities, Entrepreneurial activities


ChatGPT, characterized by its reliance on big data, robust algorithms, and significant computational power, has become a benchmark AI application product, signifying a new breakthrough in AI technology. The emergence of applications based on ChatGPT-like next-generation AI technology has triggered a series of interconnected transformations in human society's ways of thinking, production, living, and governance. However, the academic community has yet to conduct research specifically on innovation and entrepreneurship. Against this backdrop, this study explores the effect of the novel features of ChatGPT-like next-generation AI technology on user entrepreneurs, driving factors, and the entrepreneurial process. The findings reveal the following: (1) User entrepreneurs collect extensive user data through ChatGPT-like AI technology and intelligently analyze it to achieve optimal entrepreneurial judgments and decisions. (2) User entrepreneurs utilize ChatGPT-like AI technology to understand the latent needs of users and to acquire user demand information, such as product shortcomings and appeals. (3) ChatGPT-like AI technology enhances the entrepreneurial intention of user entrepreneurs, stimulates their creative thinking, and expands and deepens their social networks, thereby strengthening their identification with entrepreneurial opportunities. (4) ChatGPT-like AI technology drives and empowers the three-stage evolution of user entrepreneurship: idea generation, prototype development, and commercialization of innovative products. This study not only provides new insights and theoretical foundations for user entrepreneurship research to better explore and leverage the application of ChatGPT-like AI technology in the entrepreneurial process but also offers significant practical implications for encouraging users to actively engage in innovation and entrepreneurship activities, supporting the achievement of sustainable digital entrepreneurship goals.


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How to Cite

Zhou, J., & Cen, W. (2024). Investigating the Effect of ChatGPT-like New Generation AI Technology on User Entrepreneurial Activities. Innovation & Technology Advances, 2(2), 1–20.