Difference in Discourse and Linguistic Variations: A Comparative Study of Sino-US Economic Texts



  • Renyi Liu Department of Law and Humanities, China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing, China
  • Yuwei Huang School of Foreign Studies, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China; Institute of Area Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China


Corpus, LancsBox, the United States, China, Economic discourse


Within the framework of globalization, the economic stability and growth of the global landscape are significantly influenced by China and the United States, which serve as pivotal pillars. Their economic discourse holds a profound impact on the international economic arena. The present study employs a quantitative, corpus-based approach utilizing LancsBox to investigate the disparities in economic discourse between these two nations. By conducting a comprehensive analysis of 14 American and 33 Chinese economic texts, this research uncovers significant linguistic variations that illuminate their distinct economic priorities and strategies. The findings of this study offer insights into the intricate relationship between language and the divergent economic trajectories pursued by these two global powers.


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How to Cite

Liu, R., & Huang, Y. (2024). Difference in Discourse and Linguistic Variations: A Comparative Study of Sino-US Economic Texts. Trends in Sociology, 2(2), 70–104. https://doi.org/10.61187/ts.v2i2.141